The next serious attempt was a few months ago, with two of my true best friends. The ideas were easy to come by, but I think that was my problem. How do you implement an idea about how to create our dream, when the next day you come up with an entirely different approach to get our idea off ground.
Right now, thanks must be given to Zon for pushing me to put pen to paper, as they say. His nudge became the spark that set off this little fire, who knows what will catch. Zon has started by reviewing a game that I gave him for x-mas this year. FFXII for the DS. A better place for the beginning, I don't think that would be possible.
One that note,
I believe I will start off with a general and in no possible way, shape or form binding, statement about the trajectory we proceed in as a camarilla. I think that Zon's first post is both appropriate and indicative of what one can expect from us here at duBiZon. We will have several things at any one given times we are into, therefore you never know what you can expect from us. Video games and comics could be labeled as our major interests, but I don't think that's entirely accurate. I don't think you will see us the venture from those to for very long, but we are all interested in varied endeavors. They will no doubt pop up time from time in our ramblings. Other areas I expect a lively debate are in t.v., movies, sports (mainly of a N.C. Variety), music, comics, books, politics, religion (but always in a respectful manner), travel, current events and pop culture to name but a few.
“TO THINK, THE MOST INCREDIBLE POWER OF ALL TIME HAS BEEN HIDDEN IN THAT CAVE, WAITING TO BE FOUND!! BUT...I'VE WASTED ENOUGH TIME! THE WORLD MUST BE WARNED OF THE PRESENCE OF THE STONE MEN!” Sorry about the cap's , I guess I have been reading too much Essential Thor. I don't really have enough of the first book under my belt to give a good review of the material, but that being said I do have more than enough experience with golden age comics to ask a few very simple questions. One, why the hell does ever sentence necessitate full caps and at the bare minimum one exclamation point? O.K., I understand it was a volatile time and no one was sure if comics would take off again after the war. Does that mean that even side character's mundane inner thoughts require exclamation points? The thing is I have seen this in FF, Spiderman, Hulk, X-men and to my knowledge all the books coming out of Marvel at that time.

P.S. Looking over everything up so far, I am going to be coming up with a post tonight or tomorrow that responds to some of the great stuff my confederates have posted.
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